How to Design Your Home Like an Interior Designer

– There are some rules in designing which should be obeyed to have a beautiful home.

In years of study on humans, psychologists have presented rules to designers, so they can create a better piece of Art. Applying these rules on your home's design (as your artwork) can make it more pleasant too look at.

Turn your home into a professionally designed place by applying the following simple room decoration tips.

Try to keep the harmony in your home's objects and tools

The unity or harmony between objects means, using objects which are different yet tied up with each other to make interesting artwork.

To avoid becoming overwhelmed by information, people like to look for simplicity and order. That's why unity becomes important when designing a house.

According to the unity law of design, If you want to make your home pleasant to look at, try to design it with similar objects, whether in materials or shape, color, textures.

Tune you home

Repetition in design is like a pulse of energy. Like when you listen to music, the rhythm makes the artwork more pleasant by helping you to become concentrated. Same rule applies to interior design. Maintaining a rhythm makes your home seem more organized for the viewer. 

Try to keep elements in your house the same in color or pattern. For example, repeat the same pattern or color in pillow throws or rugs.

Keep it balanced

The visual weight of your home should be kept balanced in order to make it feel more organized.

There are two types of balance:

Symmetrical balance

means two sides of a view should be symmetric. In this way try to put your sofas exactly symmetric around the TV or the fireplace.

Unsymmetrical balance

when two sides of a view in your home are not symmetrical, you can still make it feel stable by creating balance via other means. For example, if your sofas are all on one side put the bookshelves on another side.

Make it organized by means of rugs

The law of proximity says objects near each other tend to be perceived as a group in the viewer's eyes. Try to help the viewer group proximate objects at a glance, by creating boundaries in your home.

Using rugs you can separate different areas in your home. For instance one rug for the dining area and another one for the area in which sofas are placed.

Make your home unforgettable

If you follow the law of unity and have made your home unified, now you can use Contrast to prevent the feeling of dullness.

Focal points are used to direct the eyes of the viewer, they determine the path that the viewer takes through your home.

Use an interesting object that has a special characteristic that makes the viewer see them first as a dominant focal point. It can be brighter or larger in size in comparison with the other objects in the home. For example a large mirror or bright colored rug or cushion.

The other focal points must be at the same level of contrast in order to keep the view organized. By using focal points, the eyes of the viewer will be directed from the dominant point to other focal points in the view.

How to create contrast?

Contrast means the amount of difference between the two objects. The difference can be in color, shape, texture, size, or value.

To emphasis a piece of a view you may use something to create a contrast. for example, you can paint one of the walls a bright color to make your picture frame appear better. Hanging a large mirror in the middle of the living room's wall helps in attracting the viewer's attention and direct it to the sofas.

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