Cosmetic Facial Micropigmentation
Cosmetic micropigmentation fills in and volumizes the brows or eye line by matching the eyebrow tone and hair color to the correct pigment shade.

In simple terms, Cosmetic Facial Micropigmentation (CFM) is the same as Scalp Micropigmentation, except it is carried out on the face instead of the scalp. In this article, we will explore various types of facial micropigmentation.

The first type of micropigmentation we want to mention is known as Eyeliner Micropigmentation technique. An Eyeliner Micropigmentation is a line that is applied to the eyelids just above the lashes to give the eyes a more beautiful appearance. It is especially useful if you have elliptic eyelids or go to work every day and don't want to apply makeup all the time.

A different type of micropigmentation for the facial area is called Lash Line Enhancement Micropigmentation. It's often unclear to people what this means, so they what it means and how it works. The lashline micropigmentation procedure is used to give the eyelashes an extra boost of volume and fullness. In addition to darkening and thickening your lashes, this will enhance your appearance when you do not want to wear makeup.

It is also possible to micropigment eyeshadow. The application of eyeshadow micropigmentation is more suitable for people with elliptical eyelids or people who have color diffusion behind their eyes. It is possible to hide or solve these defects with this method.

Prior to performing any of these methods, you must observe certain hygienic standards. There should be no makeup on the person's face before the operation. She should wash her face before the procedure. Before you begin to work on the area, make sure you wash it with a sterile serum.

For those who have lipoma glands on their eyelids, allergies, or are prone to herpes, this procedure shouldn't be done. Sterile eyedrops should be used if the procedure must be performed.

Lashline Micropigmentation tattoo is applied inside the eyelashes, so that the edges of the tattoo can be seen on the sides of the eyelashes. While a Lashlinemicropigmentation does not have to be designed in advance, It is important to keep in mind that people who plan to get Eyeliner Micropigmentation must design the line ahead of time. As the eyelids expand during the procedure, you might end up with an asymmetrical result if you don't take this expansion into account. For this reason, it is important to plan your lines before you begin the process.

As you apply the lashline, you need to begin at the outer edge and work your way toward the inner edge of the eye. The index finger should be used to pull on the skin of the eyelid while your thumb holds the lid in place.

Draw your lines beside each other with dashes. Avoid applying too much pressure when doing so. Otherwise, the area may swell, bleed, or the person may experience too much pain.

The application of this method is not painful at all, so you have no reason to worry about pain during this procedure. With the new Micro-pigmentation tools that are being used today, the procedure will feel as painless as possible.

When you work on a position where your eye is curved, you will need to adjust the angle of the hand accordingly. It is important to maintain the same amount of hand pressure throughout the procedure.

For shading, you should use a lighter cartridge color than for lashline application. A very small amount of hand pressure is used during this process. Draw the shades by swiping your hand upward from the outer edge of the eyes where you drew the lashline.

It is possible to extend the line upward outside the eyelash line for people who have defects in their eyelids. Most of the time, this will hide or lessen the appearance of the defect. Of course, you shouldn't use this method if your eyes already appear to be long. The design of the lashline depends on the shape of the eye of the person.

We received a number of questions about the types of drops and ointments that were used as anesthetics. The thin skin in this area will absorb any anesthetic in a very short period of time, so you can use any of these types of anesthetics. No discomfort or bleeding will be caused by this procedure.

It is important to pay attention to several things after this process has been completed. For one week after micropigmentation, you need to apply vitamin A ointment every day. Avoid scratching your eyelids or rubbing them. Instead, apply Vitamin A ointment with a cotton swab.

The eye should be kept away from water for three days following the procedure. Do not take showers and do not make contact with water. You should not take steam baths or swim in pools. Aside from that, you should avoid direct sunlight as much as possible.